PDXPUG August Meeting in two weeks

When: 7pm Aug 19th
Where: FreeGeek, 1731 SE 10th Avenue
What: PL/Parrot and PL/Perl6 – Parrots and Butterflies in your Database
Who: Jonathan “Duke” Leto

PL/Parrot is the Parrot Virtual Machine, embedded into the PostgreSQL relational database. This means that any Parrot language has the opportunity to become a PostgreSQL Procedural Language (PL). PL/Parrot supports writing stored procedures in the following languages:

* PL/PIR(U) – Parrot Intermediate Representation (PIR)
* PL/Perl6(U) – Rakudo Perl 6

This talk will give a quick introduction to Parrot VM and Rakudo Perl 6, and why you would want them in your database, including a status update of the current feature set of PL/Parrot and PL/Perl6. Example stored procedures in each language will be shown and, time permitting, the internals of how PL/Parrot works will be described. More information can be found at http://pl.parrot.org.

Jonathan is an open source hacker who currently focuses on the Parrot Virtual Machine and Rakudo Perl 6, as well as being the maintainer of many CPAN modules. He has been involved with Google Summer of Code since 2008 and is currently organization administrator for The Perl Foundation and Parrot Foundation, as well as a mentor for RTEMS on Parrot. Jonathan received a masters in mathematics from University of Central Florida and has published several papers in the field of differential equations. He enjoys discovering wheels within wheels.