PDXPUG: June meeting in two weeks

When: 7-9pm Thu June 19, 2014
Where: Iovation
Who: David Kerr
What: Postgres on Docker

David Kerr’s back this month to talk about Postgres on Docker.

Linux containers are finally getting their day, and leading the way is a project known as Docker. Docker is in use today at places like Google, eBay, and New Relic and aims to change the way we think about deploying software.

Join us as we get a quick primer on Docker and then run it through its paces with the not-so-typical, but interesting, use-case of running PostgreSQL in a container.

We’ll look at benchmarks, and various novel use cases where Docker may be an interesting fit in the database world.

Dave Kerr is a recovering DBA, PostgreSQL evangelist and is currently working as a Software Engineer on the Site Engineering team at New Relic.

We have a new meeting location while the Iovation offices are being renovated. We’re still in the US Bancorp Tower at 111 SW 5th (5th & Oak), but on the ground floor in the Training Room. As you face the bank of elevators from the main lobby, take a good deep breath of drywall dust and head to your right to a hallway. Follow the hallway as it turns to the left. The Training Room is the 2nd door on your right and is labeled “Training Room”. There is no room number.

The building is on the Green & Yellow Max lines. Underground bike parking is available in the parking garage; outdoors all around the block in the usual spots.

See you there!